Unseen Fate
by Joel Derrick
News/Rant |
Today the beta for World of Warcraft came to an end. I have been playing it for about a week and I have to say I was having quite a bit of fun. This was my first true MMO experience (the only online multiplayer games that I really have ever played where Diablo 1 and 2 and a bit of CS), so I can't really compare it to any other games. Regardless I found that the graphics, while not the best, were pretty good, especially the scenery (I found that the Night Elf starting area (a whole forest covered island) was the nicest of what I saw). I had a level 13 Night Elf Druid, lvl 7 Orc Warrior and a lvl 5 Human Warlock, if that means anything to anyone. The battles were decent, although generally you couldn't take on more than 1 opponent at a time, maybe 2. The quests were rather diverse even though a lot of there early ones have the same general concept (they did seem different). There were a few problems regarding quests that you need to kill certain things; when there's a ton of other players doing the same quest it becomes quit difficult to find a monster that you can go after by yourself, or your party. For the most part, I was soloing, since no one I know was part of the beta, but for the small amount of time that I was partied, I had a great time, not that I had a bad time soloing. The areas were pretty big, but of course I can't compare it to anything. The ambient sounds were pretty good. I had a pretty good time with it, but I doubt that I'll be getting the same, for the same reason that I haven't gotten any other MMOs; I don't want to pay the monthly fee. Not that I'm cheap or overly poor, but I like getting the most out of my money, and to do that I'd be devoting nearly ALL my time to playing it, not a very good prospect. Posted by Warpath, November 18sr, 2004 It's my birthday today. I'm 19 now...yeah, that's it. Posted by Warpath, October 28rh, 2004 Yes, I know I am way overdue for an update/Rant and while I wanted to do it…since about a month ago, but I just never got around to doing it. First I want to bitch about the new anime series that just arrived here (okay well about a month ago, now). First off is SD Gundam Force. Ew, that about all I need to say. Crappy voices and voice acting topped of with not so decent visuals (okay, so I dislike the super deformed (yes, that’s what SD actually stands for, I have no idea where the got superior defenders) look) makes for a crappy completely unwatchable show. Next I’ll talk about Witch Hunter Robin, while it certainly cannot be compared with the Jap version, it’s not too bad, but it’s difficult to watch since I just finished watching the subbed version about 2 weeks before. Lastly (and probably worstly (which isn’t even a real word)) I shall talk about Gundam SEED. I can compare this to a venus flytrap. Instead of scent, SEED attracts me with its beautiful animation (It’s been a year since I’ve seen it, but I still like SEED, but not dubbed), but then similar to the digestive enzymes of the carnivorous plant, the horrid voices (I can’t even listen long enough to comment on the acting, but I’m, sure it sucks) begin to melt your brain, which after a few seconds will be leaking out your ears. Since I’m talking about SEED, I should probably mention that I just saw the first episode of Gundam SEED Destiny (aka SEED 2). Not too much has happened yet, but it looks rather promising. The new mobile suits look great, the voices are good, the small amount of plot that was covered seems interesting, but not much information on the new characters has really built up (but it’s the first episode so that’s no big deal). Anyway, it looks cool. Lastly I want to say screw you FUNimation for licensing Full Metal Alchemist and Samurai 7 and making it difficult to see them subbed (although I have already found a solution to my problem; subbers from outside the US). FMA was cool (since I’m a few weeks late with this rant, it’s already finished, and I’ve seen it all), but will probably be butchered by FUNi. Okay well this rant has run a little bit long, and there’s probably more that I want to write (how many animes am I watching now? I;ve lost track), but I really should wrap this up now. Posted by Warpath, October 11sr, 2004 Hey, what's that up there? Is it? Yes, that's right a forum! w00t! Posted by Warpath, August 25sr, 2004 Well back to school for me *sigh*. That's all that I have to say. Posted by Warpath, August 22sr, 2004 Okay, I'm way overdue for an update. I finished my Japanese course yesterday, so I have a little bit more time, not that I really need it. Unfortunately school starts in under two weeks for me. I made the news archive into 1 column, since I found that t far too much dead space was accumulating. I don't think I'm going to be able to get a forum since all the ones I saw are PHP based, and I have no clue how to use PHP. That's pretty much all I had to say, which is why I don't update very often. Posted by Warpath, August 11sr, 2004 So right about one year ago I posted the first (crappy) strip. I can't believe that it's been a year (well I actually made the first strip a few months before). I'm amazed that I haven't lost interest in this and stopped, yet. There's probably a small emphasis on the 'yet' though. Although I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, the lack of fanmail isn't very encouraging. Not counting messages from Timmy, I have receive a total of 1 email. Yes that's right one. So could the two other people that come here (possibly more, I don't know since I don't get any emails) send me a little message or something? On another note, I was thinking of adding some stuff to the site, possibly a forum (maybe people would put messages there?) or maybe some information pages. Posted by Warpath, July 1sr, 2004 It's election day here in Canada , and being 18, I went to vote for the first time...well I got to vote last week, but that was a municipal thing, while this is federal. I'm boring everyone, right? nobody cares...'kay, I'll shut up now. Posted by Warpath, June 28th, 2004 I'm just posting something since I have to put DL's rant, so I have a reason to not procrastinate any more. Let's see whats happening with me. Hmmm, well I was looking for a job, but I got no answers. I signed up for a Japanese class, cause I guess I'm bored and stuff...yeah. Posted by Warpath, June 23rd, 2004 I had my last exam Friday, so I am now on...SUMMER BREAK!!! w00t! w00t! That's about all I have to say. Posted by Warpath, May 23rd, 2004 Looks like I didn't update the day after like I said I would...yeah. Well I FINALLY saw Kill Bill vol. 2, after almost a month of not being able to. Anyway cool movie. Classes end next Monday, then exams, but then summer break! Maybe I'll be able to do more things for the comic then. And I finally started seeing Onegai Twins...D4r|< l33t's post about that is still up. -.^ Posted by Warpath, May 6th, 2004 Wow, its been a month since I last updated. Well I have a week off of school, though there is still a lot of work to do. Anyway, I finally found out what's wrong with my computer; the power supply isn't working properly, so I have to order a new one today. I'm updating the site a bit, as you can see I finally added an archive; it's crappy but it works. That's all I have to say today, but maybe I might say something tomorrow! Posted by Warpath, April 7th, 2004 Sorry about the lack of updates, here and comic-wise. I've been really busy with school work, but everything is in order now...I hope. Posted by Warpath, March 7th, 2004 Okay everything is up to date. The last problem keenspace had cause them to have to change servers, or something to that effect. I wouldn't be very surprised if something happens again so keep that in mind. Posted by Warpath, February 10th, 2004 As you've probably noticed, there was no updates over the past 3 days. It seems that there was a problem with keenspace's updating server, so the automatic update was down, and since it was inaccessible manual updates were impossible as well. All comics that have been "missed" are in the archive. Posted by Warpath, January 30th 2004
Well I have returned from my trip to the depths
of Jigoku and am ready to rant again! ^_^ On a topic other than anime I will now rant
at you about another great pastime
and passion of mine, Video Games Though what we do in our real lives is
always important, what we do on our online lives is becoming an
increasingly important part of our identity as our society
develops. Many of us spend a lot of time playing online or taking
part in online communities, for example you the reader. Now don't
be a closed minded fool and tell me to "get a life" or
anything rude like that or I might cry ;_;, yes I know they are
only games, but it would be silly to dismiss them as unimportant.
These activities are something many others and we the “nerds” are
proud of and work hard to maintain. Some are even made into
competitions and tournaments. Yes "Cyber Sports" ladies
and gentlemen that you get to travel around the world and compete
against the best out there. I am a strong believer that the views on
gaming are changing more as time goes by and people become
more and more attached to technology and the Internet. As for my personal philosophy on video
games, well here it is: Video games are a conduit for the soul.
They expand our lives, channel our imagination, and test our
skillz. Games exist as a medium for the boundless energy of
people all over the world. They are an outlet of
expression that is impossible to be understood by man. Posted by D4r|< L33t, January 30th 2004 Wow 200 strips; I never expect to get this far. In other news, a few days ago we finally received an email! It's about time. Anyway, I'm now back at school meaning I have less time for the comic, which means I'm probably only going to do the normal updates. Posted by Warpath, January 22th 2004
Well let's just say that I haven't put up a rant cuz the
last one tired me out so much that I have been asleep for the
last 3 days ^^;;. In reality the reason I have not ranted is
cause there is nothing much for me to rant about...which got me
thinking about what rants really are. You see rants aren't planned
little essays, no sir, they are just that RANTS. I could basically
say anything that I feel, think or want to in this little
cyberspace of mine. For example if I beat Xenosaga (which I have)
I would post: "w00t I finally beat Xenosaga. Even if the
final boss was L33t I was still able to beat it thanks to the
ultimate power found in the lengthy side quest ERADKAISER" or
if I had been to a Counter Strike match I would simply put: " Owned some n00bs in CS today" I hope you can see how limitless the
possibilities are for a rant even though i only used gaming as an
example of the sheer magnitude of possibilities, so as not to
overload some of the younger brains in the audience. Since i have been going to my college to pay
fees and clear up my schedule errors I should have ranted about
that but instead I was surprised to think that rants have to be
neat and organized so I just basically decided to rant about
rants and their proper application. Posted by D4r|< L33t, January 16th 2004
Hi there fan boys and girls I know that it's
been a while since my last update and the fact that I missed
posting anything on Christmas through New Years eve I
kinda feel bad...but there is a very special reason and I believe
Warpy [Warpath’s note: I said don’t call me Warpy] on the left
has already said it, I WAS IN FRIGGIN' MEXICO
DAMMIT!!!! What they call Internet cafes or LAN
centres down there is better know further north (but not too north
as to go up to the damn Eskimos) as Computer Museums. So
you see I tried to do something for the site while I was gone but
the Ancient Machina, forbidden technology, machines of evil
(did I play too much FFX? [Warpath’s note: Since you gave it
back to me, I’ll say no.]) are equipped with outdated 56K modems
:O...not to mention the machines themselves were not pretty.
Never did I see anything more powerful than a Pentium III
-_-...oh and I'm a lazy bastard :P. When I finally did arrive in Canada on
the 11th I was damn tired from 2 weeks of none stop partying
from the holidays + beach parties + late night out with my
cousins, in fact I did not sleep properly for an entire 2 weeks
[Warpath’s note: You sleep properly?] how I am still sane, I will never Know. My final obstacle was
that my registration to DAWSON COLLEGE had not gone through
(no surprise as I tried to register in MEXICO>.<) and
had to change my entire schedule on the phone, it took more than 1
hour cuz of the damn holdage I got owned with by the nice lady
that helped me<--note the sarcasm. Though my final obstacle was
overcome (<--lol^_^) I was so tired from the vacation that I
slept in an entire day [Warpath’s note: You do that normally].
After that was catching up from all the anime I managed to horde
while I was gone such as season 1+half of season 2 of our
favorite Sex changing manga boy Ranma, a modified
version of the legend of the monkey god Goku that does not involve
constipation in massive amounts *cough* Dragon Ball Z *cough* SAIYUKI,
the ending of Slayers Try which features my favorite 15 year
old female spell caster of destruction Lina Inverse from Slayers
universe not to mention also being voiced by my most
respected voice actress Megumi Hayashibara and finally the
beginnings of the Onegai and Onegai Twins which can be considered "love
stories" but my excuse for watching them is the "fan
service". All of this was possible thanks to KazaaLite
K++ and a friend that made sure my apartment didn't blow up while
I was gone [Warpath’s note: Wasn’t me]. Well
with that out of the way I would like to say (even thought it was
ridiculously late) Happy Holidays<--(so as not to insult anyone
not of the Christian faith) and Happy New Year.
My new years resolution was to stop being so damn lazy
so that I can do more work for this site, do better in
College etc, etc. [Warpath’s note: New Years resolutions never
work out] And
so ladies and gents that conclude my mega-rant for the day making
up for no posts through my vacation in Mexico. [Warpath’s note:
Don’t forget the month before that.] *Note:
that this rant was done at 2:00am in Montreal on Tuesday January
13th 2004 and I have just recovered from major partying, a
cold, and having to adjust from a +32C climate to a -47C one. Thank
you for visiting the site and if you haven't noticed while YOU
were out for vacation a STORYLINE actually happened, hope you come
again! Posted by D4r|< L33t, January 13th 2004 A secret is finally up! Well actually it was up for a while, but I was just too lazy to put up a post. I think I've hidden it very well. If I get enough emails about it I will probably post a clue, or just tell you where it is. In other new, D4r|< l33t has returned from Mexico. Do this mean that anything is effected on the site? Probably not. I also, finally upgraded my comp, which is good, for me at least. Last thing I have to say; I still got about another week off of school. Posted by Warpath, January 12th 2004 Happy new year. That's all I wanted to say...I guess. I'm finally done with my exams which mean I have much more time to spend on the site. I'm probably going to be adding some hidden stuff amongst the changes. I will not be making any special holiday strip because, well there's multiple holidays and I don't want to ignore any or make one holiday more important than another. I'm not very religious on top of that. But really I'm just too lazy to do something special so too bad. Anyway D4r|< l33t is in Mexico right now...not that it is important, at all. Anyway happy holidays and all that crap. Sorry about the late post of today's comic. I went to see LotR: Return of the King last night. The earliest showing that wasn't sold out (perhaps it was by the time it started) was at 9:30PM. Since its a 3+ hour movie, it ended around 1AM, 20 minuets after the buses and subways stopped. Since I don't want to explain the rest, I'll just mention that I got home at around 2:30AM and went straight to bed (I woke up at 7:30Am that day and had a Calculus I exam, I was damned tired). Anyway LotR: Return of the King kicked ass and I don't feel like explaining the ups and downs of it, just go see it yourself. There's nothing left to say, other than I'm still tired... School is over for the semester! Unfortunately I have three exams over the next three weeks, unlike a friend who will remain nameless, who doesn't post a rant or anything in a month, that lazy bastard, who posts things to the right of me, here...bastard, you know who you are...yeah. Still I have plenty of time for the comic, so I'm possibly going to make changes to the site, add stuff and such...I'm going to watch more subbed anime now, ja ne. Yes I have not updated for 1 month!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 ^_^-Nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, December 7th 2003 Well I've seen on a few different site saying that it's the American Thanksgiving...sooo, yeah. I'll tell you the thing I am thankful for; finally getting broadband. w00t! w00t! Sorry about the late update today, but I couldn't upload the strip yesterday due to me not being able to log into the ftp, but obviously it's fixed now. Since it Remembrance Day (is it Veterans Day in the US???) today everyone remember the stuff that happened what happened and that stuff. On another note, I should be getting DSL in about two weeks.
This is an English comic so I’m gonna
make fun of French people now!!!! *Reads news* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday November
6, 2003 Dog shoots man A
French hunter was shot after he left a loaded shotgun in the boot
of his car and one of the two dogs in there stepped on the
trigger, police said yesterday. The man, from the
village of Espelette in the Basque region, was treated in hospital
for hip injuries. Never mind … Posted by D4r|< L33t, November 7th 2003 Happy Halloween everyone. Yeah I know, I should of made a Halloween strip, but I only thought that two days ago and by that time I was just to busy to think of costumes and then go look for sprites to make the costumes. P.S. What's your point? Besides you really are the bigger hentai. And the answer is no. >insert evil laugh here< Well I must admit being 18 sure does have its advantages!!! But sadly now where ever Joel may go I have no choice but to look at him as a different person. For you see I am 17years old currently (except when I go out with friends -_^) and so whenever I mention skewl girls he is now a PEDOPHILE!!!!! DAMNU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DIRTY, DIRTY MAN YOU ARE SICK!!!!! HOW CAN YOU, AN ADULT EVEN THINK OF A YOUNG GIRL DOING THAT NOW!!!!!!! HENTAI!!!!!! HENTAI!!!!!!!JOEL WA HENTAI……….yes that was good MWUAHAHAHAHAHhahahha…..how do you like it now biatch? ;_; ^_^-nyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu P.S. Joel get me some porn buddy k? Posted by D4r|< L33t, October 30th 2003 Holy crap I'm 18 today! Now I can have all the porn and beer (legal drinking age in Quebec is 18) that I can afford...sweet. I'm sure Carlos will make me buy him porn now... Storyline almost over, and the next one will beginning right after. I'm too tired to think and add any more. Damned daylight savings time. ZZZZzzzzzz
;_; stop making fun of me hitting all those
parked cars....My name is CARLOS!!!!!!! And I am Hentai-sama!!!…
Joel might update really crappy but at least he updates unlike
me!!! Sweat drop next to happy face -> ^_^'- nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, October 22th 2003 ß He said it would be painful. ^_^-Nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, October 13th 2003 Happy Thanksgiving to all you other Canadians out there...that's all I got. After today's comic, you should be thankful that that's not what up every day. All I can say is wow. No, not the fact that Arnold is now the governor of California. Strip #100! Considering I never expected to even get a site for the comic, as you can tell by the quality of the first few comics, this is a big stepping stone for me. It is often the case where I start doing stuff and never get very far because I lose my motivation...whatever it was in the first place...and just get lazy and stop. On a not so different subject, I still haven't gotten any e-mails. So if you want this poor comic to continue please just send one e-mail. Is it just me or did that seem like one of those dollar a day to send those poor kids to school and feed them and stuff? Anyway, just send some e-mails to boost my ego a bit, just a "I've seen your comic." kind of thing would be nice. Well now I'm off to start getting the next 100 strips done. I just hope that I will get that far, if not further. I also need to get through school which, unlike high school is not a breeze. I would like to survive the semester as well. I bet that now that I updated D4r|< l33t is going to update as well...except now that I said that he might not...and now that I said that he will... ...I think that just going to be an endless loop of pointless and somewhat redundant sentences. This weekend it's Canadian Thanksgiving so long weekend!!!! Therefore I get to sleep. Much needed sleep. ZZZZZZZzzzzz ZZZZZZzzzzzzz Yay, 3 months done now. Storyline 1 almost over and the second one will begin soon. Must sleep much now. ZZZZZZZzzzzz ZZZZZZzzzzzzz ORO?!?!?!?
3 months of Unseen fate already? Wow it really feels like the
first (seeing as how the author is a lazy bastard and is still not
wanting to start the REAL storyline) cuz like they say time flies
when your high... err, up in a plane that is yeah! So what do we
have to show for 3 months work? Not a single e-mail to even say
"You guys suk!"... :'( I feel so alone *on floor in a
corner rocking in fetal position*. No honestly it's been fun so far and I can't
wait to see the comic pick up (*note "Random Days" never
will Mwahahahahaha >:] ) we got at least 1000+ more comics
left in us! Suffer as you make me suffer and
DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee a horrible death!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am tired from
college/anime/Counter-Strike/staying up too damn late so disregard
anything involving killing/maiming. (Sleepy face this time, sorry) u_u- nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, October 1st 2003
I AM NOT DEAD!!!!!!11Well it's been almost 3
weeks since my last rant. I have decided to make an effort for you
to see some originality on this web site (something other
than Joel modding sprites like crazy) and make a continuing series
Random Day permanent! Hold on though!! It won' be a daily thing so
don't go and try to castrate Joel or me. You see I originally
made Random Day as a kind of joke copy of the Dead Piro Day (DPD) comics
on the website that inspired me to start liking on-line
comics www.megatokyo.com Anyways
my therapist said it was a better way of venting anger than going
on a shooting spree with an oozie in the middle of the Alexis
Nihon mall. And now you know everything there is to know about
Unseenfate! Mazeltov! I also would like to encourage people to get anime in
their original form from Japan because the way we get them here
in North America they are censored for kids maybe half
my age. Shaman King, Rockman.EXE, and Sonic X these
animes are excellent in Japanese but dubbed, not even my 8 year
old little brother will watch them... I would like to see some e-mails. I'd like to actually get word from people who are visiting. Send your opinions, hate mail or just say hi to us here at Unseenfate. You can even send me suggestions for what you want to put in the comic! I will try to make Joel put those ideas into the comic if they are good/random/funny enough. Just make sure the hate mail goes to the appropriate people ^_^-Nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, September 28th 2003
After watching Shaman King today I realized that I forgot to mention that the Cleaver of Anime Butchery was vorpal (another D&D term which if you don't know what it is you're a n00b). Anyway today those butchers of anime got a critical hit (insert contents of last parentheses) against Shaman King. I mean, when I said "Len? They're probably going to call him Lenny." a few weeks back, that was a joke, I wasn't serious!!! It was just supposed to be a pessimistic view of how bad anime can be butchered! Another thing that I really couldn't stand...besides everything, was the fact that in English Yoh wants to be a rock star instead of a being able to be a lazy bastard (my dream too buddy) like in the Jap version. With that covered, I'm going to talk a bit about the site. The third month is almost complete, but more importantly we're almost at strip #100! Also the first story line is almost done. I'm almost surprised that things are still running smoothly...on my part and that I haven't given up yet. There is one thing that I would like to see though, some e-mails. According to the statistics, there are people visiting the site, but I'd like to actually get word from people who are visiting. Send your opinions or just say hi, it would be helpful for my ego. If people have sent something and I haven't answered, blame it on hotmail. If there's no response, I probably haven't seen it yet. So be clear what the email is about in the subject, so it isn't lost in the masses of spam. If I can't get the mail, you can always try sending it to D4r|< l33t, I'll here about about it either way. If you don't know what our e-maill addresses are click on our blue, underlined names after the posts. See? Just look down a line. Wow, long time no update. Even though there's a lot to write about, such as how "Len" (actually Tao Ren) from Shaman King is Chinese with an English accent and pronounces his over soul Bason in French. That's just bad voice acting. There also more I can say about other dubbed anime, but I'm not going to go into that. Anyway, the reason there has been so few updates is because of school. This week I've had three test, one of them being a midterm. On top of that next week I have two more tests. That doesn't include all the normal work that has to be done. Needless to say I'm tired and exhausted. There shouldn't be any problems with the posting of the comics though. If there is you will have to suffer through another Random Day. Once you see Random Day #3 all you will be able to say is "ow."
If there's one thing I just can't stand it's
the bastardization of an anime. This seems to be a very big
problem in the good old The above was a |)4r|<_L33t rant brought to you
by a pissed of Carlos Perez after watching Shaman King dubbed
DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE butchers of Animes. ^_^-nyu >>>>>> http://unseenfate.keenspace.com <<<<<<< Posted by D4r|< L33t, September 10th 2003
is for lisDexia"!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 ^^_-nuy Posted by D4r|< L33t, September 7th 2003 <---- What he said. ^_^-nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, August 30th 2003 OMG WTF!?!?!?!? That's what I was thinking when I saw the dubbed Shaman King this morning. They must of had, a level 30 or higher butcher with his butchery skill at the max possible with a big Cleaver of Butchery that gives him a +10 to his butchery skill and a +5 to bastardization of cool anime, doing the editing of the show. What was up with Ryu of Wooden Sword (bukudo), not Rio's voice acting? Instead of having a sweet deep voice, he had this really messed up accent. WTF!?!?!? Then there's the pronunciation Amidameru's name, they REALLY messed it up. And Morty? Is that supposed to be some stupid pun on the word "mort" in French meaning dead? His damned name is Manta, MANTA! How the hell did MANTA get a black eye from falling down a mountain? Answer: He didn't, he got beat up by Ryu's gang. And my ass Manta put on his own casts, he was seriously hurt, there were no exaggerations. The only thing that they did decently was the theme song, which was no Over Soul (The Jap intro) but was better than the Yu Gi Oh intro...in English (The Jap version of that rocked too). Now I know that there's a lot more to bitch about, I've already written way past my limit. And yes, I like D&D First week of college done! Other than being really tired, all is good. I should be able to keep up with the comic, as long as D4r|< l33t does his part of the work. Did I mention I'm tired? I'm also a lazy bastard, even more so
than the author. ^_^-nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, August 27th 2003 W00t w00t!My first attempt at a web comic strip!!! Oh yeah I rok!!!! See I'm not dead even though I have not ranted in a long time just really drunk... No seriously this was my first attempt and no it isn't crappy on purpose...it's my very best,100% effort!!!! Let's see something about me... oh yeah! You should have noticed by now that I have a thing for anime Catgirls and squirrels...otherwise u might be blind, in which case what the hell are u doing looking at damn webcomics!!! IDIOT!!!...Yeah, and by the way for ppl wondering why i put "^_^-Nyu" at the end of my rants, basically it's what anime catgirls say, a kind of cat sound in Jap! Peace out yo. ^_^-nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, August 20th 2003 I finally put up the banner, now that I know how to put up pictures. As you've probably noticed that the first scene was from strip #29. For the other, I'll let you keep guessing. I'm messing around with the html, trying to figure out how to properly put in pictures. If the test picture above is viewable, then my task is accomplished, if it's a missing picture then... DAMN! Also, the navigation buttons will be down, so use the calendar instead. If you look at D4r|< l33t's rant, can really see just how random he is. I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61! ^_^-nyu!!!!! Posted by D4r|< L33t, August 16th 2003
This strip almost didn't get up today due to complications
with the Internet. Perhaps it has
something to do with the major black out that happened, or a more likely answer
is that narrowband Internet sucks…which it does regardless. School starts on the 25th, which hopefully won’t
hinder my ability to make comics. Posted by Warpath, August 14th 2003 Well let's see after a month of comic strips this site is still alive! Ur probably wondering by now since your still here (or just randomly visited) "Who are these brilliant handsome geniuses?!?!?!" Never fear! That is what this post is about, I decided that it would be best to tell ppl about who we are here at Unseen Fate. My name as u can see at the bottom of this web page is Carlos Perez. I'm a 17 year old college student in Montreal who one day after being inspired by web comics decided to make one. The only problem was that I knew I would be too lazy to do anything which is why I explained my ideas, random as they might be, to a close friend and we decided to be partners in crime to making this Web bases Sprite Comic.....cuz we suk and can't draw. Well it took a while but we got Keenspace's approval and after 30 so comics we arrive here.
More about me l8ter ^_^-nyu!!!!!
Posted by D4r|< L33t, August 5th 2003 Meow. ^_^ - nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, July 31st 2003 The reason there was no comic yesterday was because my Internet was down. I managed to post the explanation/rant on their respective pages, which was also supposed to be up yesterday.
that's what u think Warpath old buddy! I, being a very angry person,
can find many things to complain about. Such as...the word
“Assassin”. Why is there such a large amount of asses in
there??!?!? (Too many if u ask me) or I can complain about polls.
You see 70% of a polls conducted are useless and 59% of 48% of
the ppl that took the poll agreed! That's just stupid! How about the
red thing that forms around the neck of a ketchup bottle! What does it
want and where does it go? Krazy red necks! Well that fills up my
quota for the day by a lot... for u see I vow never to be out-ranted
by Warpath or anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!
:o <--- Food goes here ^_^
- Nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, July 23rd 2003 Got the first 22 explanation/rants up, which is good because now D4r|< L33t can't complain about that anymore, and the readers can possibly understand the comic a little more. If anything is unclear tell me about it, so I can fix it up. Well I tried to post the explanation/rant for each comic, but the auto updater didn’t like that I wasn’t being lazy and deleted all of them. So now I’m going to put them on a separate page instead. It will probably be up tomorrow, but no promises. What no post in 2
days?!?!??!? Well I'll fix that. So far Unseen Fate is still
going strong!!! I'd like to thank all of our fans for your
support and understanding both of them Jita and Jason
probably the only two damn ppl to even see this web comic so far<--
that was sarcasm towards not being popular yet and not to Josh and
Jason. Jita will probably be laughing out loud when
he sees this post or whenever we force him to look at
our comic, hell you might be laughing at us right now.....DAMNU U MAKE
LAUGHING?!?!?!??! *clear throat* ok i'm all better
now. The stresses of being co-author...I think I’ll go D/L some more
anime from Kazaa or something and that concludes today’s
broadcast day. Posted by D4r|< L33t, July 21st 2003 What
the hell?!?!?!??!? You ppl are still here?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!? !?!O_o?!? OK then....
where to start today's rant? I got it! How about the absolute lack of
posts by the author himself? Ok, the author, being a lazy Mofo is not
ranting/explaining anything about the comic and therefore might as well
be sitting at home with his thumb up his @55! Seeing as how random
Random Man is (...very redundant saying how random he is but wtv)
and how there seems to be no story line anywhere i feel he should start
explaining things B4 u the audience at home get too confused/pissed
off to ever come back (i.e. make this face (-_-)?) And in other news yes
I AM MEXICAN!!! ~The End~ ^_^-nyu Posted by D4r|< L33t, July 19th 2003 That Actually went much better than I expected. As you probably of guessed D4r|< L33t is Random Man in the comic and yes he actually is that random. He also happens to be the co-author. Was it a good idea to freely let him post idea on the site? Probably not, but I need his randomness for ideas for the comic.
WOW, OMG! This has got to be the worst comic I have ever seen! The author
of this lame attempt of a "series" should be taken out back
shaved from head to toe then castrated after being dipped in tar and
feathered!!! Hi there readers I’m the co-author of this comic and am very
optimistic about the future of Unseenfate! Oh and btw they won't get better...
sorry^_^-nyu Posted
by D4r|< L33t, July 13th 2003
Ok, well I'm just getting started on the web page. Since I'm still new at
this, I think that things look decent. Now more about the comic. The
first 20 or so strips are already done and are not going to be changed no matter
how crappy they are, and they probably are very lame. Things will get
better after a few strips and the first story line starts. Until then I
apologize for the poor quality of jokes, hopefully they will improves as time
passes. Posted by Warpath, June 30th 2003 |